Temporary Project Assignments
Uploading of documents

WHERE to upload:


WHY is this necessary

  • To ensure documents/data are uploaded to one shared platform, with easy access for all KPMG teams

  • Possibility to reuse the documents/data for a given employee for ongoing assignments

  • Track when important documents are up for renewal or will require further action

WHEN to upload

  • When requested by KPMG and as soon as possible as there are several process steps that still need to be done after document/data upload

  • When you know that certain documents/data are needed for an assignment, you can upload it beforehand and speed up the process e.g. passport, CV/resume, training certificates, visa/work permits, CoC/A1 etc.

  • Please be informed that for GDPR reasons you cannot access or search in documents/data you have uploaded via KPMG UPLOAD. If needed, information can be requested by contacting your Regional Mobility Specialist or KPMG directly.

HOW to upload

  • Follow the link KPMG UPLOAD

  • Fill out the cells requested

  • Remember to attach the document (no Zip files)

  • Expiry date: Always fill in this date if the document has an expiry date. This allow us to track when documents are up for renewals. This could be passports, ID card, ID numbers, local registration cards, CoC/A1 etc.

  • If the document type is "other" please state a title in the comments section

  • If KPMG requested you to upload documents/data please let the requesting office know by email that you have uploaded the documents, so that they will know when to check for them

How about URGENT cases

  • For urgent cases, you can in addition to the above send the required documents/data by mail to the requesting KPMG office

  • Remember to password protects all sensitive documents/ data

  • The documents/data must always be uploaded via the above process afterwards

If you have any questions or challenges with uploading documents/data, please contact DK2-FM Vestas dk2-vestas@Kpmg.Com.